845 Mason Road, Vista, CA 92084, USA
nocturnal phone: (760) 631-7898
email: sphaeroid@juno.com
Suddenly it's spring! - here at least. In much of the country, bitter temperatures still reign, but I won't even begin to ship until 2 March. It usually takes me weeks to catch up with the initial rush, so you can let me know what timing best suits you: slow, slower, or slow as molasses in January, as my wonderful Grandma Ray used to say of Naptown's near-stasis.
Ordering is simple: just email me your wishes and I will reply with your prospects, ASAP. Please note the P. I charge priority mail shipping at cost - USPS provides capacious boxes for free, after all - and for residents of California I must add the relevant sales tax. Prices are directly linked to the Cost of Loving Index, i.e., the price of Japanese koi food. This always trends upwards, but not uniformly so. It might well be as irrational as oil.
* = One per customer = won't last long.
US sales only.
1. A. fenestrata 60km N Vanrhynsdorp
self-illuminated Christmas trees $6.00
2. A. fissum Quaggaskop
divide and conquer $3.00
3. pachyphylla Eierpoort *
dull chunky leaves, elegant flowers $4.00
4. minor Platbakkies *
snoozing donax $5.00
5. namaquensis (cigarettifera)
it's not how long you make it $4.00
6. robusta Rooiberg, Sperrgebiet
it's how you make it robust $4.00
7. D. sphalmanthoides x D. esterhuyseniae *
smoke-free hybrid conceived and born in Utah $9.00
8. burgeri living in Aggeneys *
fast-subsiding volcaninos $12.00
9. caroli Banke
pale russet flanks, rough tops $6.00
10. herreanthus Umdaus
twin peaks $6.00
11. pellucidum cupreatum Boonstevlei
small seedlings of a big form $6.00
12. pellucidum cupreatum Kliprand
big seedlings of a small form $6.00
13. pellucidum terricolor Rietberg
dark intaglio smoothed out for winter $6.00
14. pellucidum W Gamoep
puzzling beauties $6.00
15. pellucidum Springbok
pardicolored convexity $6.00
16. pellucidum Omega
deflated brown bubbles $6.00
17. pellucidum ‘Mint Jelly’ Omega
even more abecardarian than most cv's $6.00
18. ricardianum Lorelei *
green-spotted platters $9.00
19. verrucosum Stofvlei
delightfully curried toughness $6.00
20. julii fulleri
red-stitched ivory $4.00
21. julii fulleri ‘Fullergreen’ *
cress and cream cheese, blended $24.00
22. karasmontana tischeri C 182 x C 182
ruddiest pre-war tischeri's, recrossed $18.00
23. karasmontana aiaisensis Aiais
thrillingly diverse $6.00
24. nordenstamii Holrivier *
hunter green eggplants $4.00
25. hugo-schlechteri *
warts for warts' sake $3.00
26. roodiae
potato splits $3.00
27. barbata Bloukrantzpas
whiskery naïfs sown in 2009 $6.00
28. lepidocaulis *
HO scale palms $12.00
30. namaquana Khurisberg *
bristles to outshine Brillo $9.00
31. fallax Bitterfontein *
serried rectangles $9.00
32. margarethae Wolwenes *
periodic grass $9.00
33. bayeri Uniondale Fort *
sandpaper or silk $9.00
34. bayeri hort. *
traceries breaking through murk $9.00
35. cooperi Motherwell *
bluish bubbles $6.00
36. emelyae *
east meets west $12.00
37. magnifica splendens (esterhuizenii) *
splendens ravished by an obscured friend $12.00
38. mirabilish Morning Star farm *
deep dark pools of mystery $18.00
39. retusa Riversdale *
standard tissue form $9.00
40. scabra *
small but black as Kilkenny coal $12.00
41. venosa tessellata *
nice tuisgemaak seedlings $6.00
42. Japanese x's experimentally recrossed *
from queer to paternity $12.00
43. sp.? Sterkstroom *
now underground; always Rhadamanthine $6.00